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Ultrasound predicts future behaviour in uncanny images

Source :      Pubdate : 2012/11/14 16:14:00      Author :

The way a foetus moves in the womb can predict how active the baby will be in the first few years of its life, according to a Sydney doctor.
And that seems to be the case for Myra Nunez's six-week-old baby, Mattie.
Ms Nunez was looking back at an ultrasound of her son when he was still in the womb at six months and she was surprised to find it looked almost identical to a photo taken when Mattie was six-weeks-old. Side by side, the two images show an uncanny resemblance as baby Mattie takes a nap.
Westmead Hospital's clinical director of Women and Children's Health, obstetrician Andre Pesce, believes there is a link between movement in the womb and how active a baby might be when it is born. “Some foetuses move a great deal during pregnancy, others move much less," DrPesce told ninemsn. "Often we then see that this translates to a very active infant rather than a quiet one." DrPesce said a 2002 study conducted in the US highlighted the similarities.
"[The study] found some correlation between movement in utero and behaviour after birth and at one and two years — interestingly more so for boys than girls," he said.


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